Climate Change:
Take the Ecological Footprint Calculator
Calculate, Analyse and Offset your individual carbon emissions using co2nsensus
How Big is your Environmental Footprint
The Climate Education Toolkit
Climate change: How do we know?
Climate Kids: Play and Explore
Climate Change Infographics
Climate Change: Adaptation and Mitigation
Climate Change and Biodiversity
Climate Change and the Economy
Climate Change and the Environment
Climate Change: Health and Urban Living
Climate Change: Water Management
Climate Change: Lines of Evidence Videos
Chapter 1: What is Climate?
Chapter 2: Is Earth Warming?
Chapter 3: Greenhouse Gases
Chapter 4: Increased Emissions
Chapter 5: How Much Warming?
Chapter 6: Solar Influence
Chapter 7: Natural Cycles
Use the plastic calculator to track how much plastic you use
Find ways to reduce your plastic waste
Our planet is choking on plastic (Thank you MaryAnne for sharing)
A Price on Pollution:
Pricing Carbon: It's About Our Economy & Our Future
Learning for a Sustainable Future
Green Innovators (Empowering Youth)
Green Future Index
Peer Reviewed Teacher Resources:
Resources for Rethinking